Adapt Digital Solutions

Profit Margin Calculator

This calculator helps you make smarter pricing decisions for your business. Enter your costs and experiment with different markups to see how they affect your profit margin. Hover over any field for detailed explanations and examples.

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Fill in any 2 fields (Cost, Revenue, or Profit) and adjust the margin % to calculate the third.
Cost: What you pay for materials and labor.
Materials: $700
Labor: $300
= $1,000 total cost

💡 Tip: Start with cost - it's your foundation for pricing!
Revenue: What your customer pays you.
Key Concept:
Cost × Markup = Revenue

Cost: $1,000
• 1.5x markup → $1,500 revenue
• 2.0x markup → $2,000 revenue
💡 Tip: Revenue must cover both cost AND desired profit!
Profit: What you keep after paying costs.
Key Formula:
Revenue - Cost = Profit

Revenue: $2,000
Cost: $1,000
= $1,000 profit
💡 Tip: Higher markup = Higher profit!
Markup: How many times higher than cost.
Understanding Markup:
1.0x = Break even (no profit)
1.5x = Selling for 150% of cost
2.0x = Doubled your cost

Cost: $1,000 × 2.0x markup
= $2,000 revenue
= 50% margin
💡 Tip: Markup of 2.0x always gives 50% margin!
Margin: Profit as % of revenue.
Understanding Margins:
• 20% margin needs 1.25x markup
• 33% margin needs 1.5x markup
• 50% margin needs 2.0x markup
• 60% margin needs 2.5x markup

💡 Key Insight: To get a 50% margin,
you need to double your cost (2.0x markup)!

Project Summary

For a project costing $1000.00, charge your customer $1500.00. This gives you a profit of $500.00 using a 1.50x multiplier, resulting in a 33.3% margin.
